Inspirational Stories Read Some Insiring Stories of Other Ostomates

David’s Story

Suffered from Ulcerative colitis from age 18 months till I was 18. Been an ostomate for 48 years. Past National President of the United Ostomy Association of America. Passionate about breaking the stigma regarding ostomy surgery. I use the mantra I learned years ago in that “the ostomy is what you have, it is NOT who you ARE !!” Always ...
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Damien’s Story

Hello, My journey happen to start in 2006 with severe abdominal cramping and pain. The doctors first thought it was appendicitis before running so many different tests to find out the problem was Crohn's disease. Honestly at that time, I was 23 and I had never heard about such a thing and never gave it much thought after being in ...
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Katherine’s Story

I have had a urostomy for 47 years since the age of 12. Odor has been a problem the entire time. Your product is the first product I have found that works on my stinky urine output. I am a 22 year dialysis patient, too and have marked decrease in urine output. It has affected the odor in my pouch. ...
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Rebecca’s Story

I was first diagnosed with colon cancer in 1997. My Gastroenterologist (oncologist) stated I needed emergency surgery. He stated that I would probably be going home with a bag. At that time, they had you admitted for surgery the night before so you would know what the bags looked like and they had me put on a bag. Anyway, when ...
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