Inspirational Stories Read Some Insiring Stories of Other Ostomates

Emma’s Story

My name is Emma, I’m 20 years old and I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis at the age of 16. I tried all treatments first steroids , anti inflammatories and then moved onto biologics like azathioprine and mercaptopurine and the infusions drugs but nothing was working for me. I then had my first surgery February 2019. I’ve had another 5 ...
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Karron’s Story

I got an emergency ileostomy just before Christmas in 2017. For 6 months prior I had suffered with a persistent C-Diff infection that very nearly took my life. When I awoke after surgery and slowly became aware of what had happened, I was in shock and denial. I was horrified by this "alien" device and terrified at the thought of ...
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Clair’s Story

I was diagnosed with Crohn's in 2011 and was petrified of needing a stoma as omg how embarrassing. Years went on and I was fine a bit of a Dicky tummy but that was it.. well until 2017 when I wasn't ok anymore. Had to try every drug going and although I thought I was ok I wasn't I was ...
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Dee Dee’s Story

Hi. My name is Dee Dee and I have been living with Crohn's for 22 years and have had over 60 surgeries/procedures related to this disease. Has been one wild journey. I was misdiagnosed several times and then once we got the diagnosis it just went downhill. They have been some rare instances where I did not know I had ...
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