Inspirational Stories Read Some Insiring Stories of Other Ostomates

Jasmine’s Story

Hi, I'm Jasmine. I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease in March 2019. There was a long battle to get to that diagnosis, almost 7 years in the making, and within those 7 yrs, I've lost count in how many surgeries I had. After being diagnosed I was immediately put on infusions and different medications, then comes a year later, I'm ...
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Jessica’s Story

As I lay in the sterile hospital room, the beeping machines and the faint whispers of the medical staff filled the air. I was recovering from my ileostomy surgery, a procedure that had fundamentally changed my life. I knew that the road to recovery would be long and challenging, but I was determined to embrace this new chapter with courage ...
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Bernie’s Story

Hi, my name is Bernadette, I am 73 years old. I have had an ileostomy for about 8 years. If you have had an ileostomy or colostomy, it is an gets easier and your life will be ok. I swim, I travel, I work in my garden, I do everything I always exception I do not have to ...
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Richard’s Story

I came home from work one evening & like every other day, made myself & my wife some tea. After tea, I settled down with my wife & dog for a normal evening. Little did I know that this would be my last "normal" evening for a long time. Shortly after dinner, I started to get stomach pain, I figured ...
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