Inspirational Stories Read Some Insiring Stories of Other Ostomates

Rachaél’s Story

I had emergency surgery on 10/8/21 due to a ruptured colon. The worst pain I've ever felt in my life. This was my 22nd surgery in 12 years. I woke up to find I had a new addition to my body- a colostomy bag. While spending 5 weeks recovering in the hospital, I joined an online support group and multiple ...
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Gem’s Story

Hello! I was diagnosed with crohns colitis at the age of 11 and managed with medication until 16. After this I had 10 years(!) med free which was amazing! When I fell pregnant at 26 everything changed and my body went in to melt down. I ended up being admitted to hospital so many times during the pregnancy due to ...
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Talia’s Story

I was misdiagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis back in 2008 before having several surgeries to remove my colon and create my j-pouch. After a few more surgeries I was finally properly diagnosed with a very severe case of Crohn’s Disease and have been having major abdominal surgeries about once a year ever since. I’ve had issues with obstructions, perforations, hernias… really ...
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Anna’s Story

Hi everyone! My name is Anna and I am an ostomate! I have an ileostomy for a year now due to severe endometriosis and am dealing with it everyday. On my instagram I give everyone an inside in my daily life and struggles or tips and tricks to live with an ostomy but also the ups and downs of being ...
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