Managing Day-to-Day Life after Ileostomy or Colostomy Surgery

Undergoing ileostomy or colostomy surgery can significantly impact an individual’s day-to-day life. Adapting to the changes and learning new techniques for managing the stoma and ostomy bag can make a significant difference in comfort and confidence.

In this article, we will explore practical tips and strategies to help individuals effectively manage their daily routine after ileostomy or colostomy surgery.

Avoiding Backsplash

One common challenge for individuals with an ostomy is avoiding backsplash when emptying the ostomy bag. To minimize this issue, it is recommended to lean forward slightly while emptying the bag. This posture adjustment helps to prevent splashing and ensures the waste goes directly into the toilet bowl.

Removing Hair Around Your Stoma

Hair around the stoma area can interfere with creating a proper seal between the skin and the ostomy appliance. To enhance adhesion and prevent leaks, consider removing hair around the stoma. Gently shave the area using a small electric trimmer or carefully use scissors to trim the hair. Remember to take necessary precautions to avoid cutting the skin or causing any injury.

Change on an Empty Stomach

To make the process of changing the ostomy appliance more comfortable, choose a time when your stomach is relatively empty. Emptying the ostomy bag and waiting for a little while after a meal can help minimize output during the appliance change, making it easier to clean and apply the new appliance.

Change After a Shower

Changing the ostomy appliance immediately after taking a shower can be beneficial. The warm water helps to relax the peristomal skin, making it more pliable and easier to work with during the appliance change. Additionally, it provides an opportunity to clean the stoma and surrounding skin thoroughly, promoting good hygiene and preventing skin irritation.

Rinsing out Your Appliance

To maintain the cleanliness and longevity of the ostomy appliance, consider rinsing it out after each emptying. Use lukewarm water to rinse the bag and drain it completely before reuse. This practice helps to reduce odor and prevents the buildup of residue, ensuring a fresh and hygienic experience.

Trick for a Lumpy Belly

Some individuals may experience a lumpy appearance around the stoma due to the adhesive residue left behind by the previous ostomy appliance. To address this issue, try placing a warm, damp cloth over the area for a few minutes. The warmth and moisture help soften the adhesive residue, allowing for easier removal and smoother skin for the next appliance application.

Saline Wipes

Keeping the skin around the stoma clean and healthy is essential. Saline wipes are gentle and effective for cleansing the peristomal area. They are designed to be non-irritating and do not leave behind any residue. Regular use of saline wipes helps to maintain proper hygiene, reduce the risk of skin irritation, and ensure a secure seal between the skin and the ostomy appliance.

By implementing these practical tips and techniques, individuals can effectively manage their day-to-day life after ileostomy or colostomy surgery. Remember to consult with your health care provider or ostomy nurse for personalized advice and support. With time and practice, managing an ostomy can become more manageable, allowing individuals to regain their confidence and live a fulfilling life.