Thanksgiving Tips for Ostomates

With thanksgiving around the corner, it is important to celebrate one of the most important events of the year. Thanksgiving is where we all get together to eat turkey, stuffed gravy, turnips, sweet potatoes, fruit salad, homemade dinner rolls, and dessert. However, having an ostomy can make things difficult. To survive thanksgiving with an ostomy,…

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Dennis’s Story

My doctor told me that I would have reversal surgery and iliostomy would come off in a few years. It’s been 42 years and I still have it. Because of inflammation and colitis flare ups I was never able to get reversed. Most of the time I forget I have it. It’s become part of…

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Donna’s Story

I was a happy healthy 35 year old when I was admitted to hospital with bloody diarrhea. I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and when steroids failed I was given an emergency total colectomy. Months in hospital with extreme weight loss and sepsis and a further 2 surgeries and long hospital stays over the space…

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